From:- Vinod
*Silence of a genius is more dangerous than weapons with great noise..
*Patience of a good person is powerful than anger of thousands fools.
*A Careless word may kindle Strife; A Cruel word may wreck A life;
A Timely word may level Stress; A Loving word may Heal and Bless..
*If u want to be a better friend , spouse, parent Or leader, Try listening..
It is guaranteed to take you a few notches in the way people perceive U..
*The real art of conversation is not to say the right thing at the right time…
but also to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the most tempting moment..
*Precious moments are like a drop of dew,
Cherish them before they disappear with the Morning sun..
*Trust is like a crystal vase…
Once it is shattered it is broken forever..
*Success is like a Beautiful Lover, It will leave us at any time….!
But failure is like a Mother it will teach us some important Lessons of Life….!!
*The quickest way to acquire self confidence is try to do exactly what you are afraid to do.. Just do it…
*All the love U give comes back to U.
It may not happen right away.. But in the end U will find its true
*No one wins by strolling along…
Winners win by pushing their limits until their limits become the norm..
This is how Champions are made…
“The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain.
Love taking photos. Love pretty much everything about it. I love to talk about it. I love to dream about it. I see the wonderful inspiring shots online and wish I can be the one taking it. yeah, that’s my fantasy. PhotoGirlSarah
how i can being lovely person
Love taking photos. Love pretty much everything about it. I love to talk about it. I love to dream about it. I see the wonderful inspiring shots online and wish I can be the one taking it. yeah, that’s my fantasy. PhotoGirlSarah
good words…..that touches heart
if you wants to be a good personto be a good mom
good thinkings makes a person to be a good person
good talks makes a person to be a a good person
good behavers makes a person to be a a good person
i have not read it it was too long for me to read it but then too reading others comment makes me feel like it would be good my comments are also blessing to thier love story one word to say heartouchable
always be positive ,Its way of success ,
Nice words to hear and acquire
No one can help u until u decided to achieve to what you want
That’s a Good thought